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Grand Isle By the ‘B’light of Day

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Grand Isle is a conundrum. I am not sure what to think. The mix of graphic images matches the mix of thoughts and emotions. The light of day, which usually helps, has only made matters worse when it comes to a judgment on Grand Isle. It was a tough sort on the photographic images and it will likewise be a tough sort on what to say in print. I am even conflicted about the sequence and order of images.

Apparently the island supports three groups: those that make a living from tourism, those that make a living from the various commercial fisheries and those folks connected with the oil industry. Way small island to hold  all the development and industry that I witnessed.  Of those  groups whose responsibility was it, is it to steward the land and the sea?

This is not the stewardship that I have grown used to and expect.

What I have seen of Katrina along the Alabama and Mississippi coasts felt better than what I have seen of Grand Isle and the BP Oil Spill.

Again the stewardship question?

You tell me. What are your thoughts and impressions of Grand Isle? Especially if you have been here before or live and work here.

We will be moving on tomorrow; disappointed, hoping to find parts and pieces of coastal Louisiana that are not as scarred.

Categories: Uncategorized
Posted by bigdawg on February 8, 2011
1 Comment Post a comment
  1. 02/14/2011
    Tom "bubble" Allan

    Very nice contradictions in pics, Steve! Recognized the hat in the buddha sanctuary shadow pic! Hope all is well…keep ’em coming! Picking Sox tix soon…will you be going to any spring training camps?


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