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Bisbee Bicycle Brothel

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Bisbee Bicycle Brothel

Lots here: bicycles: classic, vintage and otherwise, a workshop,  bike tools, memorabilia, books, pictures.

As much a museum as anything else.

The real find here was the proprietor/owner/collector/curator: a Mr. Ken Wallace.

Lots here with respect to Ken Wallace as well.

Ken proved to be an expansive and loquacious transplanted southern gent.

Ken spoke knowledgeably of town and city management, from first-hand experience, at length in Charlotte, North Carolina and later in Phoenix, Arizona.

We spoke some of the bicycles, tools and history all around us.What really sparked conversation was a common interest and passion for Americana music.

What was to be a photo shoot in a quirky but classy bicycle shop soon became a listening and sharing session of Americana singer-songwriters.

Ken Wallace was most comfortable in his’ listening room’ space turning this old David Bromberg fan on to the wonders and joys of singer-songwriter extraordinaire Tom Russell.

I thank you Ken Wallace. Ken Wallace : A man and his music.

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Categories: Uncategorized
Posted by bigdawg on January 8, 2017

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