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Cleveland Ohio’s Little Italy

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Little Italy : Colorful and flavorful place.

Lots of folks chatted me up about the camera, kind of like walking a puppy or having a newborn.

Gallery of bright colors and friendly owner.

An Italian Bakery, a crowd and chocolate cannoli!

A gent  gave me a list of not to be missed photo ops:

‘Church of the Holy Oil Can’

Peter B. Lewis building : Frank Gerhy Architect

and more that I can not remember.

Only the McKinney youth had the sense to turn towards the camera.

At certain galleries I was recognized for my true self and had to enter from out back.


Not a soul on the streets below, and we spoke to quite a few, could identify or name this building.

It was erroneously tagged to a South Park episode and the L. Ron  Hubbard/Tom Cruise  religion of Scientology by, Michele, a waiter in a pizza and pasta bistro, la Dolce Vida.

The pizza chef refused to combine his spinach and red sauce pizza toppings.

Not a bad thing I guess.

The structure in question was a Church of Christ Scientist  building and bell tower,  now owned by a design group.

Categories: Uncategorized
Posted by bigdawg on December 4, 2011

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