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Pulling To the Left All the Way To Terre Haute (the leftward drift will be a surprise to no one who knows me)

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This years ride and towd: ’09 Winnebago View 24P and ’10 Smart Car

Looking for some equidistant stops along the way to break up the head-long drive to New Mexico from northern Ohio my brother suggested Terre Haute, Indiana as the first day’s destination. This based on his having been there for his work (Poly One) and the fact that Terre Haute is known for square donuts.

Terre Haute, Indiana, the ‘high ground’  back in the day the boundary between Canada and the Louisiana Territory is presently the home of Square Donuts, the Sycamores, and Burke Spring and Alignment shop.

A challenging day of driving with the camper pulling noticeably to the left. Thus two-handed driving with no sight-seeing sent me on-line. We called ahead. Big O’s couldn’t handle the length of the vehicle and recommended Burkes. Burkes listened to my story and scheduled us in for first thing the next day. They invited us to stay in their lot overnight, which we did. Being right across from the Terre Haute PD lent a certain amount of peace of mind to the night. Terre Haute is a train town, as evidenced by trains coming and going at all hours. The kind of noise that quickly becomes white noise to a local; something that one who is accustomed falls to sleep by. Terre Haute is also beset by crows. Through out the night there was a harsh  avian screeching at fairly irregular intervals. Enough for one  make and take note. Turns out Burke’s solution to Terre Haute’s issue with crows is an automated predator call (turned on high?) to ward off the crows. Must be one heck of a crow problem.

Burke’s did an excellent job.  We are on the road again tacking straight down the mid-western Interstates of this country pointing ourselves towards New Mexico.

Burkes did not gouge the traveler in need.

The oft quoted degrees of separation played a part.

I spent a small but significant three year portion of my early 60’s youth in Danville, Illinois living on Vermilion Street while my Dad worked for a fertilizer company (Federal Chemical if memory serves). Nice place, good people, fond memories: the middle school years, an interesting time in life.

The Burke family that owns Burke Spring and Alignment started their business in Danville around the time we McKinneys lived there.

Small world, and getting smaller.

If nothing more go to Burke’s for the life-like mural art work.

Check it out!

Categories: Uncategorized
Posted by bigdawg on December 6, 2011

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