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San Angelo Stock Show and Rodeo

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San Angelo Stock Show and Rodeo

Texas Stars Gilt Show

Our first Texas swine show. Our first swine show, period.


Took a needed break from the rodeo folks and ventured out amongst the farmers, their kids and their prized breeding livestock.

Very open and friendly folks.  Asked a lot of questions and got a lot of information and answers in return.

Never knew that a gilt was a sow that had yet to be bred; a virgin pig if you will.

Who knew?  Now I know!

The judge of this event did a nice job having worked a long day. He communicated well with both the kids and the crowd. He took the job of judging seriously and had the knowledge and experience to back up his opinions.


Breeds and Classes within breeds. A Breed Champion and Reserve Champion will emerge.

Everyone vying for the judges eye and the best angle for their animal.SwineShow-IMG_8319

The judges does an initial cut then takes a closer look at the animals that are left in the ring.


After making his decision he communicates his thinking and reasoning to the crowd.

The Hampshire Breed of swine was colorful and had a parochial connection for us New Hampsherites.

The following two animals were the Hampshire Breed Gilt Texas Champs.




Posted by bigdawg on February 11, 2013

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