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Marshall Chapman ~ Live At the Station Inn

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Marshall Chapman, my peer age-wise but a new to me Nashville music city personality gave a Mike Terry WSM Station Inn Sessions live radio interview in support of her new book, They Came To Nashville. From an admittedly patrician background in South Carolina, ‘she came to Nashville’ herself to be a musician but under the guise of fulfilling her family’s expectation of acquiring a college degree (BA ~ French at Vandy). A musician, a singer-songwriter, an author, an actress and a raconteur of  special note Marshall is a proud and effective citizen representative of the City of Nashville. Some artist’s creativity and special talents are like a highly focused laser beam while others, a broad all encompassing search light. Marshall’s creativity encompasses much and many endeavors; seemingly the Midas Touch of creativity. Wearing nondescript baggy black with her blond to gray fly away hair tied back,  a simple strand of pearls at her neck she defined the laid back lady of taste. She is a long tall drink of water. Somewhere in her media info I remember seeing the moniker ‘the tall girl’ being applied. She wears her height well.

Beyond all that, and ‘all that’ is pretty impressive, what caught my photographer’s eye was the fluency and articulateness of Marshall’s  facial expressions.

Marshall pegged Nashville’s coming of age as a full blown city breathern to Boston and New York to the arrival of professional sports in town, ice hockey and football teams. She voiced pride in the city and region and it’s peoples that that coming of age did not involve a loss of principle, identity or that sense of who and where you are. After close to a week adventuring in town I would have to agree. This is one of those places that once experienced is worth coming back to.

An interview by a Music City icon at a Music City landmark: Marshall Chapman at the world famous acoustic Station Inn downtown Nashville in The Gulch.

How to do justice to all?

Feature the Station Inn the next time around.

Stay tuned.

Categories: Uncategorized
Posted by bigdawg on March 18, 2011

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