Wings Over Willcox ~ 2017
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Willcox Arizona Chamber of Commerce & Agriculture
The Sulphur Springs Valley of Cochise County Arizona
Willcox, Arizona
Far and away the stand out WOW 2017 tour for us this year was the Tedd Haas led Agronomics of the Sulphur Springs Valley.
Tedd Haas of Tedd & Kay Haas Farms, Graham, Arizona is a well educated renaissance man who also happens to be an Arizona corn and pinto bean farmer.
A proud American Farmer;
One enthusiastic American period.
Pistachios : Young Trees and Established Pistachio Tree Orchard
North Bowie Farms
Thank You Mr. Luis NavaBoxed Bumble Bees & Hydroponically Grown Tomatoes ~ Nature Sweet
Thank You Mr. Joel Gonzales
Maid Rite Feeds In Willcox, Arizona
Owned By Cheryl Moss and Billy ThompsonDialing In the ‘Maid Rite’ MixMaid Rite Feeds Grain Elevator and Storage
Thank You Johnny Jr and Christina
Bonita Bean Company Storage & Elevation : On The Kansas Settlement Road
Storage and trucking were important themes throughout for Tedd Haas
Bonita Bean Company : Arizona’s Pride : Top Quality Grade A Pinto Bean ProductBonita Bean Company Truck Scale
Thank You Bill EllisRiverview LLP / Coronado Dairy : State of the Art Circular Milking Parlor
72,000 Head Calf & Dairy Operation
Thank You Jeff Knoblock
Pearce, Arizona
Home of Green Chili Seeds & Chili Products: Developers of the Market Cornering AZ #20 and AZ #1904 Green Chili Seeds
Thank You Austin Curry & Family
Time Constraints Did Not Allow For This Visitation
Thank You Mr. Jim Graham
Expanded Image Gallery : Tedd Haas Tour ~ WOW 2017
Thanks to this experience I will manifest a daily appreciation for the American Farmer and the American Trucker.
Thank You Tedd Haas