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Cleveland’s West Side Market

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Market Faces

‘The Rapid’

Cleveland has a subway?

Who knew?

Ohio on Dwellable
30 Nov 2012

Vagabonds On the Road Again

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Drove the Kanc and some New Hampshire back roads to Enfield on Thanksgiving Day. This one is the best of our holidays: simple and straight forward. Not a soul on the road. Hopefully no one was having to work and everyone was able to be home with family and friends.

Debbie is very sick: sore throat, heavy head cold, aches and pains, congestion. Yikes!!

Bittersweet departure this year: leaving the family. Leaving a grandson who will change too much in the time I am gone. Cold and damp weather all along the way conspires to urge us along. This after a wonderful collaborative Thanksgiving meal and McKinney family gathering.

Feeling overwhelmed by the obscenity of the recent campaign spending that seems to have seamlessly blended in to over-the-top holiday merchandizing, awoke to snow in a WalMart parking lot in Cobleskill, New York. Mansfield, Pennsylvania and old friend Doris Sargeant on the horizon: Good memories, good visit.

Wellsboro, Antrim, Morris, and Ansonia: Blossburg Coal: – the hardscrabble fringe of northern Appalachia.

Centre County Pennsylvania: expansive but neat and tidy dairy farms, prosperous and well kept. Rolling hills, forested ridges and tilled valleys. Comfort country, giving renewed blessing and hope for an America that may not be all about Mac-mansions, big business, box stores and suburbia.

We are vagabonds on the loose!

27 Nov 2012

Wyatt Faces

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One very energetic little boy who also seems to be becoming comfortable with the camera.

Camera savvy!


27 Nov 2012

Hanging With Wyatt

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Signing 'More'

2 Nov 2012