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Churches of Edisto Island, South Carolina
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Churches of Edisto Island
Edisto Island, South Carolina
While on the road the Winter of 2017 we spent some time in March on Edisto Island; enough time to find and photograph some unique people, places and structures.
One morning’s trek back up SC 174 to photograph a couple of eye-catching church buildings grew to several days, several places and several kind South Carolinians who extended themselves to me.
A tip of the hat and a thank you to :
Librarian Marilyn Bowman of the Charleston County Public Library on Edisto, Island,
the Rector Weyman Camp of the Trinity Episcopal Church,
and Craig Williams congregant of the Presbyterian Church on Edisto Island
These folks proved to be exceptionally gracious, welcoming and informative, local Edistonians at their finest, proud South Carolinians all.
Trinity Episcopal ChurchFounded in 1774, the present church (the third church building), consecrated in 1881, stands on the sight of the old sanctuary.
The church was occupied by Federal troops during the Civil War, destroyed by fire in 1876 and damaged by the hurricane of 1893.
The sanctuary was rebuilt and features beautiful interior work done by a former slave.
The old bead-board and blown glass windows have been lovingly preserved.The Trinity Episcopal (now Anglican) Church graciously provides a building’s worth of space for the Charleston County Public Library on Edisto Island.
The Library has wonderful staff and a wonderful presence.
New Englanders (Yankees) are wont to judge towns by their Town Library.
Edisto gets high library marks and high book store marks.
Down the road a-piece stands the two buildings of New First Missionary Baptist Church.
The new sanctuary and community building and beyond it the historic sanctuary of the New First Missionary Baptist Church.
This Church was founded and built in 1818 by the wife of an Edisto plantation owner, Hephzibah Jenkins Townsend.
Many slaves worshipped here, and after the Civil War it was turned over to the African-American congregation.
Descendants of 19th century members continue to worship today in the New First Baptist Missionary Church next door.
The historical sanctuary now houses the congregation of The Episcopal Church On Edisto.A theological dispute that became a political and legal dispute at the Diocese level resulted in a segment of the Trinity Episcopal Church (now Anglican) congregation and leadership leaving and becoming the The Episcopal Church On Edisto.
“Our brother in Christ, the Rev. Albert C. (Chick) Morrison, has offered our
continuing worship community the use of the historic sanctuary of the New First
Missionary Baptist Church for our worship services on an ongoing basis. We are
very blessed by the generosity of this very kind Christian man and his
The Episcopal Church On Edisto
The Zion Reformed Episcopal Church, “the Episcopal Church of Color”.The Zion Reformed Episcopal Church was founded after the Civil War by African-American members of the Trinity Episcopal Church who were unwilling to be restricted to sitting in the upstairs galleries of Trinity Episcopal Church.
Presbyterians settled Edisto Island and their Church buildings and Church property attest to that fact.
A Presbyterian congregation was meeting on Edisto Island possibly as early as 1689.
The original building was erected in 1710, which later burned and was replaced in 1807.
The present church was constructed under the supervision of E.M. Curtis, a Charleston builder and completed 1836.
The beautiful Classic Greek Revival architecture reflects the prosperity of the Edisto planters and served both the white and black islanders until the beginning of the Civil War in 1861.
It has a large graveyard with many fine gravestones dating from 1792.
A large balcony with exterior entrances was built for slaves.
The church interior has been beautifully restored, today, to include its original high pulpit .
Researcher Agnes L. Baldwin wrote that the earliest settlers on Edisto Island were Welsh and Scottish immigrants, and that Rev. Archibald Stobo “had begun preaching on Edisto in 1722 and that (the church) had been established by at least 1710.”
She continues, interestingly, “at first the Presbyterian worshippers shared their building with the Baptists, and relied on circuit riders for their pastors, but by 1722, they alone were using the church.”
Historically, Anglican and Presbyterian churches made earnest efforts, Baldwin writes, but could not compete with Baptists and Methodists in attracting Black churchgoers. The Allen AME Church, The Old First Baptist Church and many other smaller churches on Edisto, today, are historic and teaming with churchgoers every Sunday. Many drive long distances to attend.
… There is a Presbyterian Church that is black, now, down the road. The Rev. McKinley Washington, pastor of Edisto Presbyterian Church, is in his 70’s. He served for 27 years as a legislator, first in the House, then the Senate. In 1964, he organized a branch of the NAACP and led a successful voter registration drive. Today, the beautiful bridge that leads to Edisto Island is named for him, and he gathers, still, a loyal congregation.
(The Reverend McKinley Washington retired May of 2012.)
Interviewed in 2007, Washington said that his church started shortly after the Civil War in the same way many black churches began. “Blacks worshiping in the balcony of the white church, The Presbyterian Church on Edisto Island, just up S.C. Highway 174, were asked to leave — during a service, the story goes. They finished their worship that day in the shade of an old oak tree.”
The Manse of the Presbyterian Church On Edisto
The two-and-a-half story manse is thought to have been built for the Church’s minister around 1790.
The land for the manse was donated to the Church by Henry Bowers in 1717.
Though updated with modern conveniences, modifications to the Presbyterian Manse have been few over time, and the house remains virtually the same in appearance as when it was built.
It is the oldest structure on the island associated with a church.
Botany Bay Road beyond the Allen AME Church The Allen AME Church across the salt marsh down the Botany Bay Road.
Home of the community-wide food bank.
I am hoping I have been fair and just to all in my written comments.
Expanded Image Gallery ~ Churches of Edisto Island
The Manse ~ Edisto Island, South Carolina
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Presbyterian Manse of Edisto
Edisto Island, South Carolina
A Special Thanks To Mr. Craig Williams
The Presbyterian Church On Edisto Island
The stately home facing Store Creek on Edisto Island, SC has served as the manse for the Presbyterian Church On Edisto Island since the late 18th century.
The Church houses one of the oldest Presbyterian congregations in the nation dating to the late 17th century;
it was founded shortly after Royal Governor Joseph Morton settled on the island in 1680.
The two-and-a-half story manse is thought to have been built for the Church’s minister around 1790.
The land for the manse was donated to the Church by Henry Bowers in 1717.
While many might see this elegant home as more imposing than one would expect for a church manse, it is actually quite austere.
Its only ornamentation is the four-pane transom over the entrance; all other features are purely functional.
The house stands on a raised basement, not only affording spectacular views of the creek but also allowing the home to be cooled by breezes coming off the water.
The interior consists of four rooms on each floor, which are divided symmetrically by a central hallway.
The balance of windows also contributed to the movement of salty air through the house, serving as a natural air conditioner.
Though updated with modern conveniences, modifications to the Presbyterian Manse have been few over time, and the house remains virtually the same in appearance as when it was built.
It is the oldest structure on the island associated with a church.
The Presbyterian Manse is listed in The National Register.
Text Courtesy of SC Picture Project
Charleston, South Carolina
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Charleston, SC
On Tour With Joyce Weir
Charleston History Tours ~ Picture Perfect Walks
A Great Mix of Charleston History and Image Subject, Composition Prompts and Advice
Circular Church CongregationalWashington Square
After a History of Fires All Homes Had To Be Constructed of Brick – Note Clapboarding Over Brick
Note the Absence of HVAC and Telephone Wires, Cables and PolesSt Michael’s Episcopal Church
Wedding Cake HouseOutdoor Privy From Back In the DayPreserved Row HomesIron Work and Intricately Pointed Brick WorkDecorative Hurricane Bolts Preserved Row Homes Formal Garden
Brick Alley – Note Stucco Over Brick Towards Rainbow RowCalhoun’s BankCobbles & Thigh Roof Tiles ~ Oldest Structure In Charleston ~ 1712Dock Street Theater & St. Phillips Church ~ 1809 & 1835
Slight Tilt Due To EarthquakeWell Done Joyce Weir – Charleston History Tours ~ Picture Perfect Walks
Well Done Charleston, South Carolina
The southern cities of New Orleans (Louisianan), Savannah (Georgia) and Charleston (South Carolina) all have similarities and individuality.
NOLA is and was an outpost of the French and Spanish empires in North America, more a Carribean place than an American place. Slavery and cotton. The city and it’s peoples keep getting up off the hurricane and flooding mat and partying on. Safe but still the bottom rung on the seedy scale (which is not a bad thing in my book). Wonderful streets and architecture in and around the city. Jackson Square abounds with art and energy: lots of street people and street energy, a melange of people moving at all hours. Culture and peoples are palpable in NOLA. Well done: live music, accessible music, jazz music.
Savannah dodged a bullet back in the day thanks to Sherman’s desire, after burning much of the of the South, to gift the preserved city to President Lincoln. Slavery and the black freedman are present. Love the city squares lay out, the omnipresent live oaks and color, SCAD and the presence of youth, the city’s accessibility and pride. Oglethorpe was the man. Again with a distinctive architecture and a preservationist presence, photographic opportunities abound. These folks party too just not as often nor as hard as the denizens of NOLA. Savannah owns the middle ground on the seediness scale. River Street needs way fewer tacky tourist sales traps; but oh the pralines at both ends of the walk.
Charleston, a walled city back in the day, fewer squares and fewer live oaks, early on preserved itself for the future. History is palpable in Charleston: fires, earthquakes, hurricanes, a busy seaport and the cultivation of rice, cotton, and indigo. slavery, slave insurrections and wars. You want haughty property values, than Charleston, SC is your place. Oozing with preserved history, so much so that some of the old homes still have entry way boot scrapers. All cynicism aside Charleston is the epitome of the historical southern city. Charleston was slow to recover from the devastation of the Civil War. Its pace of recovery became the foundation of the City’s greatest asset – its vast inventory of historically significant architecture. Other grand southern cities may, but Charleston does not appear on the seedy scale.
NOLA, Savannah and Charleston. All grand southern cities, all distinct and unique individual peoples and places.
Savannah ~ River Street Faces
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River Street Denizens
Hey Joe, Where You Goin’ With That Gun In Your Hand?
Up & Comin’ ~ Maybe Here & Now
John Cranford~ Cranford Hollow
Savannah National Wildlife Refuge
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Savannah National Wildlife Refuge
Found just north of the city of Savannah GA on both sides of the Savannah River, the refuge occupies land in both Georgia and South Carolina. This 29,000 acre refuge was established in 1927. Bottomland hardwoods and tidal freshwater marsh make up much of the refuge. The 3000 acre impoundment located in South Carolina is managed for migratory wading birds and waterfowl. This section of the refuge is the most accessible.
These impoundments were part of an old rice plantation dating from the mid-1700’s, the dikes of which form the foundation of a 4.8 mile loop called the Laurel Hill Wildlife Drive. The impoundments now serve to protect nature and wildlife.
Located along the Atlantic Flyway, the refuge is known to support a rich diversity of birds including thousands of waterfowl in the winter months and wading birds in the humid summer months. In the spring and fall, transient songbirds stop here to rest on their migration to and from their northern breeding grounds.
Pied-Billed Grebe
Pied-billed Grebe: This medium-sized, stocky grebe has brown upper-parts, paler brown under-parts with barred sides and flanks and distinct white under tail coverts. It has a black chin, a white bill with a central black ring and dark eyes.Feeds on aquatic insects, vegetation, small fish and crustaceans. Direct flight with rapid wing beats. Sexes are similar.
Savannah ~ Bradley’s Lock & Key
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24 E. State Street (in the Historic District)
Gray cold and wet day in Savannah looking for photo ops.
Recommended by a new Savannah photography friend Frank Barevich,
Bradley’s Lock & Key more than fit the photo op bill. James cutting keys.
Interesting place: Takes one back in many ways.
Mr Bradley cutting James his paycheck.
Greeting us as we entered Mr Bradley, Mr. William Houdini Bradley or ‘Dini’ to friends and customers, still has a presence in the multi-generational family business.
Harry Houdini was Mr. Bradley’s namesake, hence the nickname of ‘Dini’.
Bradley’s Key Shop ~ Where Anything Can Be Fixed But A Broken Heart
Bradley’s Lock & Key ~ Savannah Off the Beaten Path
Mr Bradley’s parting comment to us as we left was ‘Bradleys can make any key other than whiskey.’
Thank You James & Thank You Mr. Bradley.
Savannah ~ CJ at Savannah’s Candy Kitchen
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Gray and Cool Day On the River Street Water Front Brought Us In To Savannah’s Candy Kitchen
Three Days In On the New Job and CJ Looks and Acts Comfortable and Competent
On Display At Savannah Candy Kitchen On River Street In Savannah, GeorgiaThis Young Man Spoke With Pride of His New Employment and the Future
Thank You CJ & Good Luck To You
Thank You Savannah Candy Kitchen
Kissimmee Prairie Preserve ~ State of Florida ~ III
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Florida State Parks
More an Ecological Preserve Than a State Park and All the Better For It
Friends of Kissimmee Prairie Preserve
Kissimmee Prairie Preserve ~ State of Florida (March 2017) – Blog Post Link
Kissimmee Prairie Preserve ~ State of Florida ~ II (March 2017) – Blog Post Link
Kissimmee Prairie Preserve Expanded Image Gallery Link
Kissimmee Prairie Preserve ~ State of Florida ~ II
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Florida State Parks
More an Ecological Preserve Than a State Park and All the Better For It
Way Windy Day For the Meadowlarks
Bothered By the Wind Big Time Not At All Bothered By the Wind
Made Quick Work of This Catch While the Other Predatory Birds Stood Around On the Periphery
One Well Fed Anhinga Picking Up Sticks and Pitching Them In the Air and Then Trying To Catch Them ~ Odd One of My Favorite Places In the State of Florida
I Am Fearing That the Word Is Out
Hopefully the Increased Interest, Recognition and Visitation Can Be Managed For the Betterment of the Preserve
Friends of Kissimmee Prairie Preserve
Kissimmee Prairie Preserve ~ State of Florida
(March 20117) – Blog Post Link
Kissimmee Prairie Preserve Expanded Image Gallery Link
Kissimmee Prairie Preserve ~ State of Florida
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Florida State Parks
More an Ecological Preserve Than a State Park and All the Better For It
Season November Through the First of April ~ For the Big Picture, Not To Be Missed
Preserve Entrance Road
Wood StorkFriends of Kissimmee Prairie Preserve
Kissimmee Prairie Preserve ~ State of Florida ~ II
Blog Post Link
Kissimmee Prairie Preserve Expanded Image Gallery Link
St Marks NWR ~ The Coastal Big Bend of Northern Florida
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Not a lot of time here, we were not staying close but this is one worthy of more time and a return.
Florida State Bird
Why When There Are So Many Others of Distinction and When So Many Other States Claim the Mockingbird Friends of St Marks NWR