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Upper Valley Vixens v Bay State Brawlin’ Broads
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Upper Valley Vixens v Bay State Brawlin’ Broads
August 8, 2015
Away Bout to the tune of 120 – 366 in favor of the visiting Twin State Derby / Upper Valley Vixens.
PositioningBOOM BOOMComin’ ThroughFore Arm Shiver
Up As OneLooks a Whole Lot Like Ol’ Style Roller Derby More Toe Stop AirMovin’ Down the LineThe Claw : Yes ??Blue Blazes
Inopportune Toe Stop AirJess Jammin’
Bout Gallery Link (100 imgs)
Expanded Bout Gallery Link (300+ imgs)
Coastal Maine Photo Tours ~ Dee Peppe
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Gorgeous scenery, like-minded folks, and an experienced teacher-photographer. What better way to get back on track photographically.
After a hard winter battling the elements on a number of fronts we got out to the mid-coast of Maine, Rockport-Rockland and the ferry out to Vinalhaven with Dee Peppe of Coastal Maine Photo Tours fame.
Debbie, with a smile on her lovely face, resting and massaging those troublesome and painful feet.
Debbie apropos in front of Robert Indiana’s sculpture and ‘Exile on Main Street‘ home on Vinalhaven.Wonderful Porch
An imagery challenge on the ferry ride home. (two of ten) Thank you Dee Peppe
Marshall Point Light & Port Clyde ~ Coastal Maine
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Way out on the tip of the St Georges peninsula sits Port Clyde, Maine, the Marshall Point Light and the ever present wooden dories.
Dark Harbour Dulse Cowboys
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This harvestable and sustainable seaweed supports a working community of between 70 to 90 dulse ‘cowboys’ out of Dark Harbour on the rugged protected and inaccessible western side of Grand Manan, NB Canada.
In addition to the dulse harvesters, three to four buyers are part of this Grand Manan mariculture mix.
Dulse drying grounds at a dulse buyer’s residence.
An agreeable and outdgoing ‘dulse cowboy’ showed up to turn his drying weed.
Friendly guys who were more than willing to have their pictures taken and be chatted up: Thank you!
‘Try it, you’ll like it,” as they hit you up with a handful of ‘the best’ dulse. Roll it up one way, flip the roll and roll it back out the other. Dry it once per side. Done in one warm sunny day. Rugged cliffs to the right and to the left with a large brackish lagoon protected by a stone and driftwood seawall form Dark Harbour on the sheltered and inaccessible western side of Grand Manan. The structures are more on the order of hunting or fishing camps than year round domiciles.
The tides and the weather drive the ‘dulse cowboys’ work schedule with the dulse being accessible for harvest only at low tides.
High tide limited access today.The channel to the ocean beyond the lagoon is at the point where the tree line ends.It appeared that good health and a willingness, a sound dory, a pickup truck and a place to sleep would support one in the Dark Harbour dulse trade.
The Dulse Cowboys of Dark Harbour Grand Manan, NB Canada
Puffin On the Wing
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Machias Seal Island – Bay of Fundy
A US – Canada Territorial Dispute
In this day of automated lighthouses serviced by helicopter Canada keeps a lighthouse keeper at the Machias Seal Island light to maintain sovereignty and a record of continuous habitation.
On this particular day the swells were too high to attempt a landing. Had to content myself with shooting from a rolling, pitching and surging boat.
The Grand Manan lobster fishery experienced its most profitable catch this past season.
The out and back journey of 90 minutes each way gave me a gut appreciation for making one’s living at sea. My vestibular system was sorely disrupted. Even a day later as I sit here I still feel the pitching and rolling and am slightly nauseated.
Another good reason to live in the mountains.
Ile Grand Manan ~ NB ~ Canada
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Ile Grand Manan
The Bay of Fundy and the Labrador Current
New Brunswick, Canada
North Head ~ Swallowtail Light
North Head Harbour
Company Herring Boats to Transport Herring From the Weirs but No Herring
The Bigger Lobster Boats Are Being Outfitted for Scallops. The Fleet Leaves Sunday for a Week of Scalloping.
Seal Cove at Low Tide
Old Wharves and Processing Plants
Seal Cove Has Seen It’s Heyday Come and Go
I Wondered What the Inside Was Like