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Erie Street, Lowell District ~ Bisbee, Arizona ~ 2018

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Erie Street


Jay Allen’s Haunts When Not Staging Laconia, Sturgis or Fort Lauderdale

Bisbee, Arizona

Lowell was, at one time, a sizable mining town located just to the southeast of Old Bisbee.

The majority of the original town-site was consumed by the excavation of the Lavender Pit mine during the 1950’s.

However, what remains of Lowell today is a strikingly intact, historical mid-century street – often utilized as a backdrop for film and video shoots, and well worth a visit to walk back in time.

Lowell is perched at the southern end of the dramatic Lavender Pit, itself a must see while in Bisbee.

All that is left today is a small portion of Erie Street, along with Evergreen Cemetery, Saginaw subdivision and Lowell Middle School.

These days Lowell is considered by most of the local residents to be more of a place name than an actual community.

Lowell Americana Project

Dan Simonis, who is involved in the Lowell Americana Project, said the goal is to remind people of America’s greatest pastimes.

“I think it’s going to be a kind of mirror that Americans can look through to see ourselves, like an outdoor museum,” he said. “I believe that every country has something that makes it distinct and I think for America that point was in the 1940s and 1950s. Drive-in movie theatres and tail fins. That kind of thing.”

Lowell Americana Music Festival

“We are resurrecting a “postcard” of small town America on Erie St in the Lowell district of Bisbee AZ, returning the street to its 1940’s and 50’s glory.”

Jay Allen

Holding now 31 land speed records, Jay Allen’s liven the salt dream. Long time resident of Lowell AZ, Jay Allen has made a name for himself on the vast Bonneville salts. Hitting his 31st Land Speed Record with a transmission that was holding by a thread with speeds that exceeded 184mph on a raw bike. Thanks to Chris Revas for a fresh tranny and tony Matthews for busting his back to replace it, Were in line with a 15mph headwind to attempt a record in the gas class! With legends like Burt Munro, Marty Dickerson, Gary Gabolich Jay is on his way to becoming one of motorcycle’s racing icons. With the weather not being a friend these last couple years however this year was crystal, and sure didn’t stop records from being broken.

“Over the past twenty plus years, Allen has grown his business into a favored brand of interactive motorcycle entertainment.   He is all about maintaining authentic tradition at the events and remaining loyal to the history of motorcycling.  At the same time, Allen seeks out the latest and greatest in today’s motorcycle culture and business to infuse into the rally experience.  Jay has coined his production style as “Ol’ Skool meets New Skool.”  Allen knows the genuine ingredients necessary to establish a favorite hangout for many motorcycle industry icons and hard core riders.  

“We’re a biker shrine.  We’re the real deal,” tells Jay referring to his legacy with the Broken Spoke.   And this concept he brings to all he does.   Ever the consummate host of the party, his high energy emcee talent and vast knowledge of motorcycle culture and history captivates patrons from around the globe. ”

Past Erie Street, Lowell ~ Bisbee, Arizona Post Link

Erie Street, Lowell ~ Bisbee, Arizona – Expanded Image Gallery Link

(and with enough band width a slide show)



22 Feb 2018

Whitewater Draw ~ Winter 2018 ~ Arizona Game and Fish

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Whitewater Draw

Arizona Game and Fish

McNeal, Arizona

Winter 2018

The Sandhill Cranes and Snow Geese, yes with good proximity, but lots of other birds and wildlife as well.

Managed for waterfowl, cranes, and other wetland associated birds.

The number of wintering sandhill cranes in the area has increased dramatically since the 1950s, probably in response to the abundant food (primarily corn) available in harvested grain fields.

This area is now the best sandhill crane-viewing site in Arizona.

The area features amenities such as restrooms, parking, bus and motor home access, walking trails and interpretive signs, and viewing platforms with binoculars.

Gonna’ need some help identifying the little birds of the west.

Vermillion Flycatchers : Male Above, Female Below

Whitewater Draw Winter 2018 ~ Expanded Image Gallery Link

Whitewater Draw ~ Previous Post Link

Whitewater Draw ~ Expanded Image Gallery Link

18 Feb 2018

The Road To Apache Pass ~ Fort Bowie NM ~ Cochise County, Arizona

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Apache Pass

Fort Bowie National Monument

Cochise County, Arizona

14 Feb 2018

Coati In Camp ~ Chiricahua NM ~ Cochise County, Arizona

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Coatimundi or Coati

Bonita Canyon Campground

Chiricahua National Monument

Cochise County, Arizona

14 Feb 2018

Echo Canyon ~ Chiricahua NM ~ Cochise County, Arizona

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Echo Canyon Hike

Chiricahua National Monument

Cochise County, Arizona



14 Feb 2018

Faraway Ranch ~ Chiricahua NM ~ Cochise County, Arizona

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Faraway Ranch

Lillian Riggs, Owner-Proprieter

Chiricahua National Monument

Cochise County, Arizona

14 Feb 2018

Butterfly Magic

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Butterfly Magic

Tucson Botanical Gardens

Tucson, Arizona

Butterflies In the Orchid House

Orchids In the Butterfly House

8 Feb 2018

Flame Off

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The Sonoran Glass School

2018  Tucson Gem & Mineral Show ~ Flame Off

Tucson, Arizona

Sonoran Glass ~ Image Gallery Link

8 Feb 2018

Barrio Historico ~ Tucson, Arizona

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Barrio Historico

Also Known As Barrio Viejo and Maybe More Importantly Barrio Libre

Tucson, Arizona

“Barrio Viejo, the old neighborhood, mainly consists of Tucson’s 19th century homes and commercial buildings. In the 1960’s & ’70’s, much of the old neighborhood was bulldozed to make way for urban redevelopment, including the Tucson Convention Center. Today, most Tucsonans would be happy to bulldoze the Convention Center if it would bring back the heritage that was lost.

In the 1880’s & ’90’s, this was home to a culturally diverse community of working class people from America, Europe, Africa and Asia. Many worked for the Southern Pacific Railroad. The arrival of the SP in 1880 changed Tucson from a hopelessly impoverished, dusty little Mexican village in the middle of nowhere to a growing Southwestern city of seemingly limitless opportunity.”

“Barrio Viejo is located just south of the Convention Center. If you go (and you should), take your camera. The images we share here are but a small representation of the old architectural styles that are now preserved by private individuals and families.”

“Tucson’s second oldest historic district, Barrio Viejo is anchored in the 1870’s but lost its northern half to bulldozers during urban renewal in the late 1960s. It still has more territorial adobes than any other Tucson district. The architecture is predominantly Sonoran Traditional where zero setbacks are common, creating long, continuous streetscapes of houses, offices, and shops. South Convent Avenue has become the center of historic rehabilitation and infill, most of it residential.”

“Barrio Viejo means “old neighborhood” in Spanish. This area is an important part of our community’s rich history and it reflects many of the experiences of life here in Arizona. Also known as “Barrio Libre (Free)”, this neighborhood was home to a culturally diverse community of people from America, Europe, Africa and Asia. To the north, Tucson’s early business district was situated between Alameda, Broadway, Church and Main. From that location to where the Tucson Convention Center stands today, were several blocks of adobe buildings that many people called their home or business which were bulldozed for what some people called urban renewal and others called a tragic example of government and cultural prejudice. What one finds today in Barrio Viejo is virtually all that is left of Tucson’s 19thcentury commercial and residential structures. To our knowledge there is no larger collection of 19th century adobe buildings in the United States.

Historically South Main was the western edge of the Barrio and it served as home to many prominent early Tucson families. The 1881 Tucson City Directory noted that, “Main, Pennington, Congress and Meyer Streets, and Stone, Toole and Osborne Avenues are among the most spacious and promising thoroughfares…” The Carrillo House at 363 South Meyer dates from at least the 1850s and was originally home to Francisco Carrillo, one of Tucson’s early civic leaders. Across the street from the Carrillo House is the Teatro Carmen. Having opened in 1915, it was one of the first theaters in Tucson devoted exclusively to the presentation of dramatic works in Spanish. In its prime it provided entertainment for as many as 1400 people and has served as a cinema, meeting hall, boxing arena and ballroom.”

“Other accounts from the time paint a picture of the Barrio’s enduring visual character: “…it yet retains many of the peculiar features of a Spanish-American town… looks a bit of old Mexico transplanted to the Northern Republic.” Some reports of earlier times recounted the colorful street life that came from living in the Free Zone – an area that prior to the 1880s was free of legal restraints (and often, the presence of policemen).

At Cushing Street and South Meyer Avenue, just north of the Carrillo House, is Cushing Street Bar and Restaurant- the first property renovated by our family business in 1971 and the territorial home of Clara Ferrin Bloom- one of Tucson’s early community leaders. In the 1860s a German immigrant, Joseph Ferrin, established his general store and lived there with his family. His wife, Therese, was described as The Angel of Tucson because of her healing herbs and holistic medicines. She is also credited with helping to establish Tucson’s first Temple, the Stone St. Temple. The Bloom family has contributed extensively to Tucson’s commercial life and for many decades Dave Bloom and Sons was regarded as one of Tucson’s finest men’s clothing stores.”

“Cushing Street is named after Howard Cushing, one of the famed Cushing brothers of Indian and Civil Wars fame. He was regarded as the most renowned “Indian-fighter” at the time; yet, Howard was killed by Apache warriors in the mountains near Sierra Vista in pursuit of Cochise in 1870. A marker commemorating the site of his death can be found near Sonoita. His brother, Alonzo was killed at Gettysburg during the Union’s defense of Cemetery Ridge during Pickett’s Charge. In May 2010, 147 years later, he was awarded the Medal of Honor- a recognition many felt far too long overdue.

While Tucson has grown significantly over the past century, the area now known as Barrio Viejo remains connected to its celebrated historic character. Landmarks such as Teatro Carmen on South Meyer and El Tiradito (the Wishing Shrine) on South Main Avenue represent a celebration of the neighborhood’s cultural history. Nearby St. Augustine’s Cathedral and Carrillo Elementary School remain as testaments to the strength of the Mexican-American families that call this neighborhood home. Jerry Lee Ho’s market, a popular grocery store for many decades on the northwest corner of South Meyer and 17th Street, recently went through an extensive renovation/preservation effort for the Tucson offices of the global geotechnical and environmental engineering firm of Haley and Aldrich.”

“Barrio Viejo was not Tucson’s most prominent or elite neighborhood like Snob Hollow. Its colorful architecture and vibrant commercial activity always defined it as a community with an abundance of character. Unfortunately, many buildings in the area fell into significant disrepair during the middle of the 20th century. The adobe construction common to this area and a wealth of detailed historic documentation allowed many of the neighborhood’s oldest structures to be restored, rebuilt and re-imagined for a new century.

In 1971, Kelley Rollings’s vision for revitalizing this historic area spearheaded what has become an inspired effort by people from all walks of life to make this one of Tucson’s most endearing districts. Many other entrepreneurs, homeowners and businessmen have committed to this area. Today the Barrio is a vibrant commercial and residential community in the heart of Tucson. One can find a wide range of business interests here. Barrio Viejo’s location, adjacent to the Tucson Convention Center and many important governmental resources, makes it a convenient and effective place to locate or expand a business. Many people reside in the area as well and there are schools nearby for families and their children.

Development is ongoing in Barrio Viejo and it is once again one of the most desirable places to work or live in Tucson. Working with integrity and perseverance is essential in historic preservation. Painstaking attention to architectural history while incorporating modern amenities makes our buildings distinctive as well as practical. There are few other places that can claim the history or character of Barrio Viejo!”

Extended Image Gallery ~ Barrio Historico – Tucson Arizona – 2018

Prior Year’s Barrio Historic Blog Post Link

Extended Image Gallery : Barrio Historico ~ Tuscon, Arizona

3 Feb 2018