Arabi ~ NOLA
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Arabi ~ a neighborhood near NOLA, just beyond the confines of NOLA.
A photography walk along Angela Street and Friscoville Avenue in Arabi.
Arabi is a small riverside town in St Bernard Parish immediately downriver of Jackson Barracks and just outside Orleans Parish. Like riverside neighborhoods in adjacent New Orleans, Arabi was once the site of plantations that were eventually subdivided and was originally a suburb of the city.
Arabi’s development did not begin in earnest until about 1880, after New Orleans banned stockyards within its city limits. The action prompted the Crescent City Stockyard and Slaughterhouse to relocate downriver to Arabi and spurred residential development in the area. When the American Sugar Refinery (now Domino) was built in 1906, the increased commerce sparked still more residential growth and the construction of Arabi’s now historic homes.
Landmarks in Arabi include the historic sugar refinery and two circa 1850 plantations: LeBeau and Cavoroc, the latter on the grounds of the refinery.
Although Arabi occupies the high ground close to the river in St Bernard Parish, it flooded during Hurricane Katrina when floodwalls and levees failed catastrophically. The area continues to rebuild and repopulate.
Text content is quoted from New Orleans Streets – A Walker’s Gide To Neighborhood Architecture, by R. Stephanie Bruno, Pelican Publishing Company, Gretna, Louisiana 2012
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