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Posts tagged ‘108 Tasso Circle Eunice Louisiana’

Lejeune’s Sauage Kitchen ~ Eunice, Louisiana

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Three thousand pounds of pork and beef processed weekly.

Three thousand pounds of sausage and tasso smoked weekly.

Three thousand pounds of tasso, pork sausage, pork and garlic sausage and mixed sausage sold face to face across the counter weekly to customers in the community and beyond .

The Lejeune Family Sausage Kitchen

108 Tasso Circle

Eunice, Louisiana

In the family for generations.

Nita and Kermit Lejeune : 35 years

Ryan Lejeune : 35 years

John and Lechia Lejeune : 20 years

Nick Guidry

The Lejeune family secret:  only the best ingredients, cleanliness, real wood, time, hard work, word of mouth…

and last but not least pride in product and pride in the family name.

This is a small family business that supports an extended family of three families and pays a living wage to an employee as well.

Interesting process and quality great tasting products.

Special order processing and smoking – your venison sausage.

Very friendly folk, very proud of their business, their product and who they are and what they do.

Cutting, trimming, weighing and grinding.

Green sausage in the fore ground.

John with the dry seasoning measured and mixed by Lechia.

Wetting the dry seasoning.

Adding the wet seasoning.

Tight clean 3-man work space.

Ground, seasoned and mixed bulk sausage on its way to the cooler to ‘set and season’.

Green sausage in the foreground.

Into the cooler.

Nick having filled the sausage stuffing ‘piston’ with bulk sausage that has ‘set’.

Bulk sausage into casings as green sausage.

The end of a ‘piston’ run.

Sausage stuffing ‘horns’ from back in the day.

Antique wood splitting ‘machine’ from back in Kermit Lejeune’s day: pecan, hickory and oak smoking woods.

Smokehouses – two of three.

Ryan with smoked tasso – ‘Cajun ham’

Pounce : Cajun pork roasts!

End of the day ‘smoke’ out first.

Sausage comin’ out of the smoker and on it’s way to the cooler.

Cooler packed with tomorrow’s sales.

Tomorrow’s fresh ‘smoke’ wood.

Boxed and on display the next day after cooling overnight.

Cajun commerce!

Get yourself down to Lejeune’s Sauage Kitchen!

Thank you Ryan and John Lejeune!

Nita and Kermit you raised your family well!

16 Feb 2012