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Dark Harbour Dulse Cowboys

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This harvestable and sustainable seaweed supports a working community of between 70 to 90 dulse ‘cowboys’ out of Dark Harbour on the rugged protected and inaccessible western side of Grand Manan, NB Canada.

In addition to the dulse harvesters, three to four buyers are part of this Grand Manan mariculture mix.

dulsecowboys-8339dulsecowboys-8364Dulse drying grounds at a dulse buyer’s residence.

Roland’s Sea Vegtables

dulsecowboys-8342 dulsecowboys-8344 dulsecowboys-8346An agreeable and outdgoing ‘dulse cowboy’ showed up to turn his drying weed.

Friendly guys who were more than willing to have their pictures taken and be chatted up: Thank you!

‘Try it, you’ll like it,” as they hit you up with a handful of ‘the best’ dulse.dulsecowboys-8349 dulsecowboys-8350 dulsecowboys-8352 dulsecowboys-8355Roll it up one way, flip the roll and roll it back out the other. Dry it once per side. Done in one warm sunny day.dulsecowboys-8356 dulsecowboys-8358 dulsecowboys-8361 dulsecowboys-8363 Rugged cliffs to the right and to the left with a large brackish lagoon protected by a stone and driftwood seawall form Dark Harbour on the sheltered and inaccessible western side of Grand Manan. The structures are more on the order of hunting or fishing camps than year round domiciles.

The tides and the weather drive the ‘dulse cowboys’ work schedule with the dulse being accessible for harvest only at low tides.

High tide limited access today.dulsecowboys-8366The channel to the ocean beyond the lagoon is at the point where the tree line ends.dulsecowboys-8375It appeared that good health and a willingness, a sound dory, a pickup truck and a place to sleep would support one in the  Dark Harbour dulse trade.

Two man show though.dulsecowboys-8376 dulsecowboys-8380 dulsecowboys-8388

The Dulse Cowboys of Dark Harbour Grand Manan, NB Canada

Roland’s Sea Vegetables

Dark Harbour Dollar : Dulse


3 Aug 2015