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Posts tagged ‘Ritch Grissom Memorial Wetlands’

Ritch Grissom Memorial Wetlands ~ Viera, Brevard County, Florida

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It is nice to see things done well and done right. Especially when it involves man, mother nature and government. It can and does happen.

Witness the Ritch Grissom (who was Ritch Grissom?) Memorial Wetlands in the city of Viera, part of Brevard County, Florida. The Wetlands are the final parsing and filtering of effluent, the treated water at the end of the flush, if you will. Similar to Black Point Wildlife Drive at the nearby MINWR but way different. The Viera Wetlands (Friends FB link) are concentrated and contained: 200 acres, 7 or 8 different bermed ‘cells’ with a one-way unpaved drive for your cycling, walking, hiking, driving, wildlife-sightseeing pleasure. The cells vary from marsh-ringed lakes to full-on marsh, to grassed-over wetlands.

The birds are everywhere!!

Rookeries abound as do viewing platforms and strategically placed benches. Get there early for the best light and to avoid those mid-day ‘crowds’. Some of the birds are fairly habituated some not so much. Great place for birding, great place for photography.

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28 Dec 2013