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Posts tagged ‘Tom Hubbard’

The Franklin Automobile ~ Syracuse, NY to Tucson, AZ

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On the north side of  Tucson, AZ in a dirt-roaded quarter-section of desert small town surrounded on all sides by development and southwestern sprawl resides the The Franklin Auto Museum.

This is one classy display of mostly Franklin automobiles in polished restoration or as is from the factory or the road. It is supported by a trust from Thomas Hubbard the original collector. This is a very accessible display of beautifully restored and well maintained high end automobiles from a span of three decades in the early 1900’s. A great presentation, good people and lots of information and anecdotes about the automobiles and the people connected to them.

Tom Hubbard’s “intentions were to preserve and expand the cars, … and facilities to be complementary to the established southwestern site and architecture.”

This has been done well. Between a loyal group of volunteers,  a local board and an unyielding estate judge, the Franklin Museum resides and prospers in Tucson, Arizona.

The Franklin was the creation of two men: H. H. Franklin, the money and organizational guy and John Wilkinson, a mechanical engineer, the hands-on nuts-and-bolts guy. The real impetus behind the Franklin automobile was a push to develop an air-cooled engine.

Franklin automobiles were high end luxury vehicles of the day.

The Franklin “fell victim to the Great Depression along with many luxury car manufacturers.” 

“The company sold about 150,000 cars over the course of more than 30 years in existence” in Syracuse, New York.

“At its most productive in the late teens and early 20s, the Franklin Automobile Company employed 3,200 workers.”

At Tom Hubbard’s Franklin Museum in Tucson the Franklin automobiles still present as high end and luxurious.

Tucson on Dwellable
20 Dec 2012