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Head Down Driving Day – No Images :- (

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Cleveland, OH to  Terre Haute, IN

400 Miles

High point of the day: good pizza and good people at Mugg-N-Pye in Monrovia, Indiana. Nice friendly hard-working folks willing to make a space for you. The veggie pizza with sausage was excellent. Nice thin crisp crust, not soggy in any way. Fresh veggies and sliced tomatoes on top of a yummy sauce and a goodly amount of sausage. The menu is a full one. It mentions hoagies which I thought were a strictly east coast – Philadelphia area and beyond appellation for an Italian sandwich. Up our way they are referred to as ‘subs’. I wonder where the sandwich nomenclature lines are drawn?? Busy place on Sunday evening. Friendly pizza consumers in Monrovia. Everyone had a smile and a word of acknowledgement. The owner’s wife spoke with us at length and a ex-pat Mississippian from the too near to Memphis small town of Olive Branch shared who-what-where with us as well. A great break from a long days drive.

The small town of Monrovia, 1000 plus in population, supports two pizza places almost right across the main street from one another. They both seemed like going concerns. Sometime in the month of September all the town folk and some turn out for a Monrovia Fest. According to the IGA check  out gal Monrovia got its name from a none too creative derivation of Monroe Township within which it resides. Being a scant 20 miles west of Indianapolis, Monrovia could be considered a ‘bedroom community although I doubt this’.

Posted by bigdawg on December 2, 2012

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