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Posts tagged ‘rodeo’

Calf Ropin’ ~ San Angelo, Texas

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Horse, Rope and Rider ~ Visual Poetry

Apparently the images of this event that I enjoy and those that are considered the iconic calf ropin’ image are different.

Oh well, won’t be the first or last time. It is nice to be shooting for my own eye and not for a ‘market’.

This event was another tough one to shoot: tough lighting  and hard to fill the frame with all the animals and all the action.












Expanded Calf Ropin’ Gallery

8 Feb 2013

Slack Bull Dawggin’ ~ San Angelo Rodeo

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Too much good shootin’ not enough time to process and post.

The kind of problem I wish on myself, now that we are done with the grind of makin’ a buck at this, or at anything.


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The San Angelo Stock Show and Rodeo


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Two days in, Slack Rodeo: team roping and bull doggin’. It has been a worthwhile education and great shooting thanks, in part, to Dudley Barker, rodeo shooter emeritus!!

Thank You Dudley, a very gracious and welcoming man.

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Linda Rhodes, executive secretary of the parent organization for the San Angelo Stock Show and Rodeo, worked with us to make this an enjoyable and worthwhile photo opportunity.

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Team roping was a huge challenge; lots happening and way far apart.

Bull Doggin’ on the other hand was compact, for the most part, and coming right at you, if that’s what you chose.

Sat around and watched half the first morning, got the ‘lay of the land’ so to speak. Challenging lighting and backgrounds, great sequences and ‘My Oh My!!’ action.

Slack Rodeo at the San Angelo Rodeo, about a week in length, is free, other than the gettin’ here and putting yourself up. Eighty degree weather with a gentle breeze. Excellent shootin’ to boot. What’s not to keep you.

Expanded Bull Dawggin’ Gallery

Comments appreciated.

Thank You

6 Feb 2013